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- //
- // Transport AI file
- //
- // Behaviors:
- //
- // Path to passengers. Let them load. Path to unload point. Unload passengers
- //
- // Notes:
- // This overloads a few of the generic movement actions
- //
- // Known Problems:
- //
- // Usage:
- //
- // To tell a unit to move to a location, give it a load/unload transport goal (EEUGLoad/UnloadTransport)
- // and set its action to keeuaPrepareToMove.
- //
- #include("Generic Death.tai")
- #include("Load Container.tai")
- // Override these two transitions to inhibit pursuit
- FaceEnemyUnit
- {
- UnitInWeaponRange false(Idle)
- }
- AttackEnemyUnit
- {
- UnitInWeaponRange false(Idle)
- }
- // is pathfinding complete?
- PrepareToMove
- {
- allof(GoalIsUnloadTransport,ContainerInRange) true(UnloadTransport)
- NoMoreWaypoints true(TurnToUnitFacing)
- MovePreparationComplete true(Advance)
- }
- RepathAroundObstacle
- {
- MovePreparationComplete true(Advance) false(Idle)
- }
- // are we at a waypoint?
- Advance
- {
- NoMoreLoadableUnitsToPickUp true(TurnToUnitFacing)
- ArrivedAtMoveWaypoint true(GetNextMoveWaypoint)
- ObstacleDetected true(RepathAroundObstacle)
- }
- // gets the next location
- GetNextAutoWaypoint
- {
- UnitHasGoal true(PrepareToMove) false(Idle)
- }
- // we've reached the end of the path
- ReacquireGoal
- {
- GoalIsLocation true(Idle)
- GoalIsExplore true(FindUnexploredArea)
- allof(GoalIsUnloadTransport,ContainerInRange) true(UnloadTransport)
- allof(GoalIsUnloadTransport,CanIMove) true(PrepareToMove) false(Idle)
- }
- // look for new waypoints and detect the end of the path - order matters
- GetNextMoveWaypoint
- {
- allof(GoalIsUnloadTransport,ContainerInRange) true(UnloadTransport)
- allof(GoalIsLoadContainer,NextWaypointRetrieved) true(PickedUpLoadableUnits)
- ShouldMoveToNextAutoWaypoint true(GetNextAutoWaypoint)
- NextWaypointRetrieved true(Advance)
- NoMoreWaypoints true(TurnToUnitFacing) false(TurnToUnitFacing)
- }
- FindUnexploredArea
- {
- SearchingForAreaToExplore true(FindUnexploredArea)
- NoUnexploredAreasLeft true(Idle) false(PrepareToMove)
- }
- UnloadTransport
- {
- GoalIsUnloadTransport true(Idle)
- }